Virtual Event Product Demo | 1-on-1 Video Chat & Scheduled Breakout Rooms | Intrado Digital Media

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Want to make your virtual event experiences feel more personal? How about creating more face-to-face interaction with your attendees?

Today, we’ll be talking about our virtual event platform and its new engagement features – Scheduled Breakout Rooms and 1-on-1 Video Chat.

Moving from in-person events to virtual events doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice engagement.

These new features provide more opportunities for virtual event attendees to interact with each other, driving greater engagement and a better overall event experience.

We’ve significantly improved the virtual event experience. It’s now more personal and visual, whether in a small group session at an exhibit booth or a more private video chat.

Scheduled Breakout Rooms allow event hosts and sponsors to hold pre-scheduled video breakout sessions within the event space.

The video sessions are for session owners and participants. It’s accessed via Sponsor Booths, Breakout Rooms or the Theater. Sessions are set to 30 minutes and the breakout rooms support up to 30 participants.

1-on-1 Video Chat allows individual users to network and interact with other attendees within the virtual environment. When activated for an event all users (attendee and sponsors) have access to 1 on 1 video chat. Chats are limited to 30 minutes. As the chat approaches its end, the timer displays red. Once the time is up, the video chat will close. Browsers only allow one active video chat at a time.

Thanks for watching this product demo! We hope you enjoyed learning about our new virtual event engagement features – Scheduled Breakout Rooms and 1-on-1 Video Chat.

#VirtualEvents #HybridEvents #ProductDemo

Author: traffic

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