Search Quality Highlights: Dan’s Digest

Google’s Latest Updates: Live Google+ Post

– Page Quality:
– Panda Refresh (84010)
– 3 Undisclosed Updates (82862, 83689, 84394)

– Search Results
– New way to identify “important phrases” on a page (84460)
– Improved signals used for rewriting and generating search result titles including non HTML documents (83442, 84211, 84652)
– Fewer results in SERPs in some cases (82279)
– Sitelink data refresh (83105)
– Disclosure in SERPs for pages blocked in robots.txt (82407)

– Link Signals
– Link signal fix (83709)

– Local
– Location based query improvement. (LTS)
– Improvement relevance, detection and ranking of local results (nearby,83377, 84586)
– Start showing relevant international page instead of home page (81360)
– International document relevance improved (81999)

– Fresher page may now win from two relevant pages on the same site (83761)
– Improved document age and stale content handling (Imadex)

– Other Signals
– Updated term-proximity scoring (83135)
– Knowledge graph gets lists and collections (83443)
– Smarter handling of generic, boilerplate phrases (83670)
– Knowledge Graph Carousel Introduced

Note: The rest of the updates I find uninteresting and have been removed.


Author: traffic

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