Google Customer Support Scams, How Google Ranks, Machine Learning Spam & Bing Multimedia Ads

We had a bit of a breather this week with the July 4th weekend and a bit of a slower news week. I did post a recap of the past month of Google SEO and webmaster topics, it was a big month. Google reminded us to include customer support methods on our own websites, is this a sign Google may crack down on these types of scams? Google’s Gary Illyes described how Google does ranking, it was interesting to listen to. Google said for the most obvious search spam, it uses machine learning to tackle it. Google said the HTTPS ranking boost is somewhat independent of the page experience update. Google said if your content goes viral, it is normal for it to gain spammy links, don’t worry about it. Google said try not to link all your pages to all your pages. Google said sometimes there is simply no SEO solution for your ranking issues. There has been a spike of complaints about soft 404 errors in Google Search again, Google has changed how it handles this detection. Google Shopping will soon require only one form of contact information, which is down from two forms. Microsoft Advertising launched multimedia ads in Bing Search. Google AdSense now supports anchor ads on wider screen formats. Google Search is testing sticky footers on mobile. Google is also testing again removing the breadcrumbs from the snippets. And Bing has this weird thing where it grays out the search results when you hover over the page selectors. Be safe and thanks for watching!

0:00 – Introduction
0:52 – July 2021 Google Webmaster Report :
2:22 – Google Reminder To Highlight Customer Support Methods On Websites :
3:27 – How Google Cuts & Ranks Result Sets With Magic Signals :
4:31 – Google: Machine Learning Takes Care Of Most Obvious Spam :
5:22 – Google: HTTPS Ranking Boost Even With Other Poor Page Experience Signals :
6:02 – Google: Don’t Worry About Spammy Links From Content Going Viral :
6:16 – Google: Don’t Link All Your Pages To All Your Pages :
6:53 – Google: Sometimes There Is No SEO Solution To Your Ranking Problems :
7:15 – Google Changed How It Handles Soft 404s Detection – Mobile vs Desktop :
8:03 – Google Shopping Now Only Requires One Form Of Contact Information :
8:26 – Microsoft Advertising Multimedia Ads In Bing Search :
8:46 – Google AdSense Anchor Ads Wider Screens Support :
8:57 – Google Search Tests Related Queries In Sticky Footer On Mobile :
9:09 – Google Tests Again Removing Full URLs and Breadcrumbs From Snippets :
9:17 – Bing Search Results Turn Gray On Hover Over Page Selector :
9:30 – Conclusion

Author: traffic

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