Common Mistakes in EF Core with Jernej JK Kavka

When JK worked with many different clients and projects, he frequently heard “EF Core is slow” or “We should do this in raw SQL” only to realize they haven’t used EF Core correctly.

JK will show you how to improve your EF Core statements as well as how various configurations impacts the performance and scalability of your application. You’ll be blown away at how small changes can significantly impact not only the performance but also the stability of the application.

0:00 – About myself and agenda
2:44 – Intro – DB landscape, the pain and test environment
11:13 – 7 deadly sins
13:32 – #2 Counting and IQueryable
21:14 – #3 AsNoTracking
24:34 – #4 & #5 Implicit vs Explicit includes and Select
27:08 – #6 Pagination
31:08 – #7 Cancellation token
39:30 – Mini best practices
50:08 – Key takeaways
56:04 – Q&A

Code samples –
Rules to better EF –
Rules to better Linq –
MS Docs on EF Core performance –

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About the Speaker:

Jernej Kavka (JK) is a Microsoft AI MVP, SSW Solution Architect, and organizer of several user groups like APAC AI and Global AI The Podcast. JK is a full-stack .NET developer, but his passion lies in Azure Cognitive Services, AI and machine learning. He is the main architect behind SSW’s virtual receptionist – SophieAI:

He is also very active in the developer community and enjoys speaking at conferences like NDC, DDD, as well as User Groups and Hack Days.

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Created by SSW TV | Videos By Developers, For Developers

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